Folkert Gorter
Folkert Gorter →

A designer's portfolio, with many beautiful and unique designs

Siteinspire →

Awesome designer sites many unique ideas

Chris Shiflett
Chris Shiflett →

An entrepreneur and web dev with high quality bookmarks + lots to read

Internet is Fun
Internet is Fun →

A directory of fun websites

Brian Lovin Bookmarks
Brian Lovin Bookmarks →

A collection of curated bookmarks and resources

Susan Rigetti
Susan Rigetti →

Personal website of Susan Rigetti, a writer and entrepreneur

Monogram →

A design and development studio creating digital products

Daniel's Pizza
Daniel's Pizza →

A personal website and blog of Daniel, a developer and designer

LessWrong →

A community-driven wiki and forum focused on rational thinking and decision-making

Jonway Studio
Jonway Studio →

A design studio creating interactive experiences and digital products

Sarah Drasner's Projects
Sarah Drasner's Projects →

A showcase of projects and experiments by Sarah Drasner, a developer and designer

Sissons+Rowe →

Good design

Andy Matuschak
Andy Matuschak →

Personal website of Andy Matuschak, a researcher and writer on topics like education and technology

Gracekind →

A personal site of an AI researcher that has a substantial repository on Ideonomy

Extropic →

Futuristic + Minimal themed website

100r →

A detailed blog by a passionate couple who live on a sailboat

Local Adventurer
Local Adventurer →

Well documented and thoughtful guides of sites to see

David Redwood Hikes
David Redwood Hikes →

A taleted writer and experienced hiker' collection of best spots to hike in the redwood forest

Bookmarked Club
Bookmarked Club →

A clean and minimal site to find the best books reccomended by well known people

Anna's Archive
Anna's Archive →

The largest free e-book sharing website. Open-source :)

Audiobook Bay
Audiobook Bay →

Download almost any audiobook for free

Immieats →

An instant-ramen delivery service with good design